The halo effect

2024-11-07 by Unokay Comics

Tags: Psychology

The halo effect is the tendency to see people in a positive light based on very little information.

Panel 1: Two women are seated around a table. The first woman has a dark green top and has a piece of paper on the table in front of her. The second woman has a light green top and has a laptop computer in front of her. First woman: So do we think Michelle would make a good team leader? Second woman: I don't thik I know her.
Panel 2: The second woman continues: Her colleagues say she is intelligent, strong... The second woman imagines a smiling woman with a glowing halo.
Panel 3: The second woman continues: ...corrupt, cruel... The second woman's vision has the woman looking mean and her halo is disappearing.
Panel 4: The second woman concludes: ...critical and stubborn. The woman in the vision has lost her halo and grown horns. Second woman: I liked the first Michelle.
This is a four panel cartoon. Panel 1: Two women are seated around a table. The first woman has a dark green top and has a piece of paper on the table in front of her. The second woman has a light green top and has a laptop computer in front of her. First woman: So do we think Michelle would make a good team leader? Second woman: I don't thik I know her. Panel 2: The second woman continues: Her colleagues say she is intelligent, strong... The second woman imagines a smiling woman with a glowing halo. Panel 3: The second woman continues: ...corrupt, cruel... The second woman's vision has the woman looking mean and her halo is disappearing. Panel 4: The second woman concludes: ...critical and stubborn. The woman in the vision has lost her halo and grown horns. Second woman: I liked the first Michelle. The cartoon is signed 2024 D59

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