Top tips
2023-03-09 by Unokay ComicsTags: Random
Some top money saving tips in these times of economic crisis.
[image top-tips-940px.png "This is a four panel cartoon. Panel 1: The panel is light pink. On the top left, the text TOP COST SAVINGS TIPS is in bold black letters. Below this, the text reads: Use falafels to keep your camera bag dry - works almost as well as silica gel. The panel shows a camera bag overflowing with falafel balls. A few more falafels are visible outside the bag. Panel 2: The panel is light pink. The text reads: Strap a paper shredder to the inside of your letterbox - saves time getting rid of that junk mail. The panel shows a postal worker posting a letter through a letterbox. From inside the letterbox comes the sound: WHIZZ! WHIRR! Panel 3: The panel is light yellow. The text reads: When you empty the vacuum cleaner, don't throw away the bag. With a suitable cover it makes an excellent sofa cushion. The panel shows a sofa with several plump cushions and a person pulling a bag out of a vacuum cleaner. Panel 4: The panel is light blue. The text reads: Drones are very expensive. You can make a perfectly good drone with four lawnmower motors and an old PC. Make sure you keep clear of the spinning blades! The panel shows an old PC with four spinning rotors. The cartoon is signed 2023 D9 + D11.
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