Cat DB admin

2021-03-24 by Unokay Comics

Tags: WebDesign, Cats

This cartoon could be a cautionary tale to make sure you restrict admin access to your database. Or it could be just saying that all cats are evil really.
This is a four panel cartoon. Panel 1: A young man with a beard is sitting at a desk with a laptop computer. He is stroking a cat which has two paws on the desk. The cat has its eyes closed. Man: Hey, Kitty wants to join our meeting! People in meeting on laptop: Ha Ha! Panel 2: The man has turned to the computer. The cat has woken up a bit and is tapping one paw on the keyboard. Man: Look! Kitty wants to learn to code! People on laptop: Go Kitty! Panel 3: The man is walking away from the computer. The cat is now looking over its shoulder at the man and has one paw on the keyboard. Man: Back in a minute, guys. People on laptop: OK... Panel 4: The man has disappeared. The cat is busy typing on the computer keyboard. Above the computer we see what the cat is typing: > drop table customers; > commit; People on laptop: No! The cartoon is signed 2021
It was inspired by the XKCD cartoon "Exploits of a Mom":
For a description of this cartoon and more, search online for: Explain Exploits of a Mom

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