Charity begins at home

Soya milk It's getting harder to find organic soya milk these days.


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Fiddling while Rome burns

Fiddling while Rome burns This was inspired by the work of the American cartoonist Jim Benton in his book 'Dealing with the idiots in your life'. Read more…

The real question

The real question The real questions we want to know the answer to are hard to answer - so we substitute them with questions which are easier to answer and think that we've answered the real question...

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This is a thumbnail image which is cropped from the main cartoon. The image contains a cartoon drawing of a woman. She is wearing a pink cardigan over a green shirt, and has a white bandana with red polka dots on her head. Her hair is bright red. The woman is looking to the left of the image, and is holding a white mug. The background is a plain dark purple.

In a conversation, there is what is said, and what is unsaid.


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