Genesis of the stair lift

2023-03-30 by Unokay Comics

Tags: Daleks

This was based on a random WhatsApp conversation with friends on Daleks' antipathy towards stairs.

This is a four panel cartoon. Panel 1: At the 1975 assistive technology exhibition. A stall holder is talking to a visitor in a suit and a tie. Behind him there is a sign that says Stannah Limited and has a small illustration of a person on a stair lift. There are a number of brochures on the stall. The stall holder says: ...and it can be installed in any home! Interested? The visitor says: No - sorry. Thanks. Panel 2: The stall holder is now alone. He stares at the desk. Panel 3: The stall holder looks up. From outside the panel, someone is calling: Mr. Stannah! Panel 4: A Dalek has appeared at the stall. The stall holder is looking very nervous. The Dalek says: We would like to discuss a strategic partnership with your organisation! The cartoon is signed 2023 D15.

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