Scandi noir

2020-12-13 by Unokay Comics

Tags: Scandi, Noir

We watch a lot of Scandi-type police dramas, and my partner noticed a common trope

Whenever the detective goes into a darkened building, she uses the most rubbish torch possible to find her way around. "Just turn on the light!" my partner shouts at the screen.

So, I got to wondering: Where do they get these torches from?

This is a four panel cartoon. Panel 1: At the security trade show. A salesman is demonstrating a torch to a woman who is shining the torch into the darkness. Salesman: Our wide beam torches will really help you see everything. Woman: Hmm... I'm not sure. Panel 2: The woman's torch is now really bright. Salesman: This LED panel is powerful enough to light up a whole room. Woman: I don't know... Panel 3: Now the woman has a really weak torch - it has a very narrow beam. Salesman: The only other one we have is our basic model, but it has a very narrow beam. Woman: Perfect! I'll take a hundred! Panel 4: Woman: Here's my card. The panel shows a close up of the woman's business card which reads: Scandinavian TM Police Equipment Procurement 992-5785 Mia Svenson - Buyer. The cartoon is signed 2020.

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